International workshop on J-PARC hadron physics 2023 (J-PARC Hadron 2023)


2023/09/12(火)09:30 ~ 2023/09/15(金)17:00


2F Conference room, AYA’s Quantum Beam Research Center & Online Zoom


Invited Speakers





This workshop will discuss J-PARC hadron physics, exploring both theoretical and experimental aspects. Its main objectives are three-fold: to deepen our understanding of the experimental results recently obtained at J-PARC; to present new theoretical/experimental studies related to J-PARC hadron physics; to spark innovative ideas that will help shaping the future of J-PARC hadron physics, in particular in relation to the ongoing hadron hall extension project.

The workshop furthermore aims to strengthen the network among hadron physics researchers in the Asian region, which has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we are planning a J-PARC tour during the workshop, so that attendees can learn more about the capabilities and research projects at J-PARC. The regulations related to COVID-19 in Japan and KEK have mostly been relaxed in recent months, making it easier for foreigners to visit Japan. Though the workshop is held in hybrid style (Onsite + Online), we are excited to welcome you to Tokai for this workshop.

This workshop is hosted by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) / Institute for Particle and Nuclear Study (IPNS), and supported by the Hadron Hall User Association (HUA), the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka univ. (RCNP), the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), and the J-PARC Center.

Discussed topics

  • Strange nuclear physics (hypernuclei, kaonic nuclei)
  • Hadrons in medium
  • Heavy hadrons including charm or bottom quarks
  • Relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  • Related topics (Neutron star physics, Lattice QCD, etc.)
  • New ideas related to J-PARC hadron physics

Oral and poster presentations The organizers are now arranging invited talks. In addition, we will accept contributed talks related to J-PARC hadron physics and other related topics. For speakers who cannot come to the workshop site, online presentations are possible. We furthermore plan to have a poster session with the possibility to give short talks to introduce the contents of the posters. If you are interested in presenting your research, please submit an abstract through the workshop website (indico).