11th Training course on symmetry and group theory


2023/07/10(月)9:00 ~ 2023/07/14(金)18:00


Seminar Hall in 4-go-kan


Prof. Massimo Nespolo, Université de Lorraine, France (on behalf of MaThCryst)/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)






Training course on symmetry and group theory is lectured in Japanese and has reached its 11th edition. This year we offer for the second time an English version of the training course, for the benefit of foreign students and scientists working in Japan.

This course aims at providing a solid background in symmetry and group theory to students and scientists working on crystalline materials.

The course spans five full days. Exercises proposed during the whole course are integral part of the course: participants are requested to actively take part in solving the proposed exercises. Evening sessions are proposed for discussion, practicals, solution to the exercises, questions & answers. Didactic material is distributed before and during the lectures and also made available in electronic form.