KEK-Cosmo special colloquium by Cosmology Pioneer: Prof. J. Richard Bond






Prof. J. Richard Bond (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto)






過去半世紀に渡り宇宙背景輻射、宇宙の構造形成、宇宙初期のインフレーションなどにおいて先駆的な研究をおこなってきたRichard Bond教授の特別コロキウムを、11月6日(水)のお昼過ぎにつくばキャンパスにて行います。Bond教授の業績にスポットを当てながら、宇宙物理学の過去半世紀の進展を振り返り、今後の展望についても語っていただきます。スケジュールと詳細は以下です。興味のある方は奮ってご参加ください。

12:45-   コーヒータイム, 13:15-14:15    特別コロキウム, 14:15-14:30    コーヒータイム

講演タイトル: Entropy in a Coherent Universe: Quantum Information in the Action of the Cosmic SuperWeb

概要:von Neumann of (thermal) quantum entropy fame purportedly responded to Shannon asking what his novel classical information content measure should be called: paraphrasing, entropy, nobody understands it anyway. Nowadays information entropy and thermal entropy have merged as ideas, and expanded to encompass phase info as well as counting info, aka quantum information. Its development and transport through all of the great cosmic epochs of instability accompanying transitions of phase is a unifying story of the Universe. This is a big topic which I will meander through, from the speculative emergence of coherence, through an inflation era, its preheating end in the matter-entropy burst, with attention on the cosmic neutrino background decoupling, cosmic photon thermal ecoupling and its Compton scattering decoupling, and entropy development and transport in the gravitationally-unstable nonlinear cosmic web. With applications to observable entropic relics and the cosmic parameters we derive from them, such as the CnuB, CMB, the cosmic infrared background, line intensity mapping, and the thermal state of clusters, groups and the IGM. Whew, and that’s not all: one quest is for information-laden Planck-epoch non-Gaussianities, scalar and tensor, beyond Planck the satellite, and towards LiteBird.