The 46th Meeting of the U.S.-Japan Joint Committee for Cooperation in High Energy Physics

The 46th U.S.-Japan Joint Committee Meeting (JCM) in High Energy Physics was held on May 29th and 30th at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK).
This was the first meeting at KEK in eight years, since 2016. 13 members from U.S. joined this meeting as the representative of DOE and the national laboratories related to high-energy physics.
The participants from both sides discussed the research cooperation in high energy physics field between the U.S. and Japan and adopted the joint research projects to be implemented in FY2024.
The facility tours relating the Belle II, T2K experiments, and other research activities supported under the U.S.-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics were also held along with the meeting.

The U.S.-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics which was started in 1979 aims to conduct joint research using the accelerator facilities of both Japan and the U.S., and it has produced various results to date. Furthermore, Ozaki Exchange Program, which was mutually accepting young researchers from Japan and U.S started from 2018, has also been playing an outstanding role in human resource development in this field.

The committee agreed to hold the next meeting in Japan in 2025 along with a mini symposium.

At the signing ceremony of this meeting
Left: Dr. Glen Crawford, Director of Research Division, Office of High Energy Physics, DOE,
Right: Dr. Kazunori Hanagaki, Executive Director for International Affairs, KEK.
JCM Participants