The “2nd Jennifer2 Summer School on Particle Physics and Detectors” was held from July 19 to 27 for undergraduate and graduate students to learn about particle physics. Although this was scheduled to be held in person at KEK, Japan, due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus it was held remotely as with last year, and 86 students (9 from Japan) were selected by the organizing committee to participate.
The program was held as part of the “Jennifer2” project, which promotes exchanges between European and Japanese researchers in the framework of the EU’s “Horizon 2020; research and innovation program”. The aim of the project is to motivate European and Japanese graduate students to stay at KEK and experience cutting-edge research in high-energy particle physics and related fields through lectures by leading researchers, practical training, and tours of accelerator facilities.
Since it was held remotely and publicized widely this year, ultimately students from 28 countries and regions including Japan, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Russia, and North and South America were accepted. During the program, participants attended lectures by leading lecturers with great enthusiasm and asked questions. In addition, rather than cancelling the practical training at KEK, remote training for wire chambers was conducted by KEK staff members. In addition, a “mentorship” program was introduced, in which researchers can provide additional opportunities for students to practice after the program if they wish. On Saturday the 24th, some virtual tours were conducted at the Tsukuba and Tokai campuses, as well as at the neutrino facility in Kamioka, in order for participants to gain a better understanding of KEK’s research and facilities.
Thanks to the efforts and ingenuity of the organizing committee members from Japan and Europe, it was a great success. A special website was set up on Facebook before the event, and a Zoom breakout room was used during lunch and dinner times to allow for interaction between the instructors and participants, close communication, and enthusiastic instruction.