Vacuum System for the Swiss Light Source 2.0


2024/10/31(Thu.)11:00 – 12:00


PF Research Build. 2F Conference Room + zoom


Dr. Natalia Kirchgeorg (PSI)





Yasunori Tanimoto (PHS 4713)


The Swiss Light Source is undergoing a major upgrade to the diffraction limited storage ring (SLS2.0). The ultimate goal of increased radiation brightness cannot be achieved without significant decrease of the vacuum system aperture. Furthermore, vacuum chambers must adapt to the dense magnetic array resulting in complex geometries limiting the conductance. Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) materials opened the door for achieving and maintaining ultra-high vacuum in systems like SLS2.0.
At Paul Scherrer Institute we have developed an in-house NEG coating facility to tackle the most complicated vacuum chambers of the new storage ring. In our magnetron sputtering setup, relatively thin plasma, driven by a moving solenoid, slowly travels along the chamber, hundreds of times per process. This setup allowed to coat multiple components with reproducible thickness uniformity across the whole geometry, despite the variable cross-sections.

Release date 2024/10/18 Updated 2024/10/18