IPNS Physics and Theory Seminar : Recent Progress and Future Prospects in Flavor Physics


2023/12/22(Fri.)15:30~ 16:30


3-go-kan seminar hall and zoom


Teppei Kitahara




akimasa.ishikawa@kek.jp, wnakano@post.kek.jp


Flavor physics is the field that explores new physics in a bottom-up approach by comprehensive and precise measurements of processes that occur through weak interactions, leading to small theoretical uncertainty. Flavor physics is also the only method that can observe CP violation at this moment. The goal is to explore the mysteries of matter-antimatter asymmetry and the origin of flavor structures. In recent years, progress in experimental techniques and improvements in lattice QCD simulations have boosted sensitivity to new physics, and even reported several flavor anomalies. Based on this background, I will present some of the recent flavor theories and their future prospects, and also discuss physics related to B anomaly, which is currently attracting particular attention.

Release date 2023/10/26 Updated 2024/08/08