Bosonized Schwinger model on a lattice


2023/07/18(Tue.) 11:00〜12:00


Online zoom


Dr. Hiroki Ohata (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Kyoto University)






Bosonization, in which a fermionic model in 1 + 1 dimensions is transformed to an equivalent bosonic model, has been a powerful technique for the analytical study of many models. However, although the bosonized model is usually much simpler than the original model, obtaining the analytical exact solution is still very hard in some cases.
In this seminar, I present the lattice formulation of the bosonized Schwinger model, which enables us to study the model using the Monte Carlo method. This approach has several distinct advantages over the conventional one based on the original fermionic Lagrangian. First, the approach is unambiguously free from the fermion doubling problem.
Second, it is also free from the sign problem. Moreover, much more efficient configuration generation is possible. I demonstrate the validity of my formulation by showing my numerical results and discuss possible applications to other models.

Ref: H. Ohata, Monte Carlo study of Schwinger model without the sign
problem, arXiv:2303.05481 [hep-lat].

Release date 2023/06/29 Updated 2024/06/19