Advancement of Nb3Sn quadrupoles in the HL-LHC project




Kenkyu Honkan build. 1F Meeting room1 + Zoom


Dr. Ezio Todesco (CERN)





ARIMOTO Yasushi (PHS 4728) NAKAMOTO Tatsushi (PHS 4060)


About one hundred magnets of six different types shall be installed in the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the years 2026-2028 at CERN. These accelerator magnets are characterized by (i) a large aperture (105 to 150 mm) inducing large accumulation of stress due to electromagnetic forces, (ii) tight requirements on field quality due to the large values of the particle amplitudes in this region, and (iii) small series (6 to 20 magnets of the same type) giving a limited possibility of feedback and tuning during production. The magnet design, construction and test are based on CERN collaborations with institutes and industrial partners in USA, Spain, Italy, Japan and China.
The most challenging magnet, the Nb3Sn quadrupoles have a conductor peak field in operational conditions above 11 T, and an unprecedented length of 4.2 m (Q1 and Q3, manufactured and tested in the US) and 7.15 m (manufactured and tested at CERN). In this talk we will present the main results of the quadrupole program, including the short model program and the full-length prototypes. We will focus on the main achievements and challenges in terms of quench performance, endurance tests, field quality and protection. Finally, we will discuss the critical issues found so far in terms of performance, and the sophisticated tools used to address them.

Release date 2023/01/10 Updated 2024/06/20