Detector Seminar: Recent advances in the development of radiation hard monolithic CMOS tracking sensors


2022/10/31(Mon)10:00 ~ 11:00


bldg.4-go-kan seminar-hall + Zoom


Heinz Pernegger (CERN)





Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (DMAPS) have been developed in various CMOS imaging process with the aim to provide experiments at High-Luminosity LHC and future HEP experiments with radiation hard tracking pixel detectors. Monolithic CMOS sensors allow to minimize scattering material for best tracking performance. Furthermore they reduce construction costs and assembly time of detector systems due to absence of bump-bonding required in hybrid sensors. Special interest lies now in radiation hardness of
DMAPS for operation conditions typical of pp-collider experiments at LHC and future colliders with >100 Mrad in Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and >1×1015 1 MeV n_eq/cm2 in Non-Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL). The presentation will outline different approaches to achieve radiation hard tracking sensors in commercially available CMOS imaging processes. It will summarise recent achievements for sensors with large and small collection electrodes in the TowerJazz 180nm and the LFoundry 150nm imaging process as examples. The presentation will also present different implementations of sensor architecture ranging from purely passive CMOS sensors to pixel sensors using column-drain readout schemes for triggered applications and new asynchronous readout for data-streaming applications in future trackers.

Release date 2022/10/19 Updated 2024/08/02