IPNS Detector Seminar : CMOS Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors in High Energy Physics and at Synchrotron Radiation Facilities


2022/09/28(Wed) 16:00~17:00




Fabienne ORSINI (Synchrotron SOLEIL)








A CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (CMOS MAPS) is a semiconductor detector which has the particularity of integrating both the sensing part and the CMOS readout electronics on the same homogeneous silicon substrate. Initially developed in 1990’s for visible imaging and large public market, this technology replaced progressively the CCDs. With the improvement of microelectronics and MAPS intrinsic advantages, this technology became very attractive for physics research community in the 2000’s and was proposed for the first time as a candidate for the vertex detector of the future International Linear Collider (ILC). Progressively, MAPS evolved to a mature technology, suitable for high precision trackers in High Energy Physics and for imaging detectors in the soft/tender X-rays energy range in astrophysics and at synchrotron radiation facilities.

After a brief introduction on MAPS concept and particle detection principle, first development of MAPS in HEP, that allowed some technological and electronic architecture breakthroughs, will be summarized. A specific focus on recent developments in HEP (in the framework of ALICE ITS & MFT, ATLAS ITK at HL-LHC) will be presented. Finally, the potential of MAPS for synchrotron radiation applications will be introduced and discussed.

Release date 2022/09/14 Updated 2024/08/08