September 8, 2023
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK

On September 8, 2023, Professor Shoji Asai, Director of International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP), the University of Tokyo, was selected by the Selection Committee for the Director General of KEK, as the candidate for the next Director General of KEK.
The term is for three years, beginning on April 1, 2024.
The committee stated the reasons of the nomination as Professor Asai is:
- a person who has a noble character, with relevant knowledge and experience, and having abilities to manage its educational and research activities properly and effectively.
- a person who is expected to carry out the medium-term goal and plans.
- a person who is expected to promote with long-term vision and strong leadership, the highly advanced, internationalized, and inter-disciplinary research activities of KEK by getting support from the public.
The committee invited nominations for the next Director General from March 1 to May 31, 2023. For screening, the committee interviewed the nominated persons, then discussed the candidate of the position. The committee also referred to the members of Management Council, and Education and Research Council of KEK. As a result of all the consultation and discussion, the committee made a final decision to nominate Professor Asai for the next Director General of KEK.
Public Relations Office
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization