Closing date 2024/07/31 12:00


Private information

Private information obtained from application documents will not be used or provided to any third party for purposes other than the necessary procedures related to personnel affairs, salary, and welfare. Please note that documents submitted for the recruitment process will not be returned to the applicant.


No term limit until 63 years old.

Interview date

August 30th, 2024 (Only the applicants who passed our documentary screening will be informed of the details of the interview.)

Number of positions

1 Person

Application guidelines


Institute of Materials Structure Science

Curriculum Vitae

Job Description

The Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS), one of the Inter-University Research Institutes, promotes advanced and multiple use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation, neutrons, muons and slow positrons, in materials and life sciences.

The successful candidate belongs to the Beamline Engineering Section of Photon Factory (SR facility), and is expected to play a pivotal role in the upgrade, development and standardization of the SR beamlines. In addition, they will promote human resources development for the future in the SR field. The workplace is KEK Tsukuba campus.

More details of the job description are shown here.


Person with the ability of research and education.

Release date 2024/05/22 Updated 2024/08/09